Shine in the Press – part II

Ways to Illuminate…

Write a winning press release:
1. The main point and your school’s name should appear in the first two sentences.
2. When possible, paint a picture.
3. Keep you overall strategy in mind.
4. Yes, tell your Chanukah stories, but make sure they send a message that says more than, “we celebrated Chanukah.”

Fan the Flame:
1. If you want to get double duty out of the release by sending it to grandparent donors, send a release about an intergenerational Chanukah project.

2. If constituents think you do a stellar job with limudei kodesh but that you lag behind in general studies, highlight a program that uses up-to-date computer software or (supervised) social networking.
3. If you need to make the case that your students master Hebrew language skills, highlight your pen pal program with quotes of Chanukah correspondence between your students and those in Sderot.

Click here to read Shine in the Press – part I

My team and I are here to help you communicate effectively, increase visibility and loyalty, recruit and retain students, and raise important funds. Should you have any questions about writing more effective press releases or about any of my day school services, please send me an email or call 516.569.8070.

Kol tuv,

Candace Plotsker-Herman