Plant, Weed, and Sprout Sensational PR – part I

Tu b’Shevat catalyzes blooming PR!

I’m enjoying an exceptionally mild New York winter. I gaze outside and see small bare bushes, a proud sapling we planted a few years ago, a gnarled old tree we were advised to chop down years ago, as well as majestic trees whose vibrant green leaves stubbornly refuses to fall to the ground.

In fact, while researching the latest Tu b’Shevat resources to share with you, I found this tree age calculator. I’m going to find my trusty tape measure and determine the exact ages of my lovely trees. Your students might enjoy this challenge as well.

And while the different ages and relative strength of my trees cause me to think of my multigenerational family, it also makes me think of the obvious connections between trees and the work that you, Jewish educators, do daily. Whether your campus is bursting with blossoms or bare in the cold, it is a good idea to use Tu b’Shevat as a catalyst for blooming PR! Read on to learn of ways that you can use Tu b’Shevat to encourage your constituents to reflect about how you work to nurture seedlings that can grow into strong trees… with many strong branches.

Plant PR Seeds…
No doubt, your Tu b’Shevat plans are in place. Preschool and lower school bulletin boards are dressed in creative “trees” that may be blossoming self portraits, blooming mitzvah notes, or even sprouting pictures of students’ extended families. Hopeful little planters adorn classroom windowsills. Middle school students may be involved in multi-faceted projects that weave Torah and Science together. Perhaps they are participating in innovative cross curriculum projects such as Hazon’s Min Ha’Aretz.

Click here to read Plant, Weed, and Sprout – part II

Smiling faces, interactive cross-curriculum learning, and directly linking Torah with “Green” are all positive Tu b’Shevat pitches. Think about the crop you want to reap before planting your PR seeds! Sow strategically and you will not only gain clips; you’ll also achieve your goals! Should you have any questions about writing more effective press releases or about any of my day school services, please send me an email or call me at 516.569.8070.

Kol tuv,

Candace Plotsker-Herman