Sushi, Shushan, and Speaking the Right Script – part I

Sushi Fun

I doubt there was sushi in Shushan – but I can tell you with absolute certainty that sushi making in my kitchen was a fun-filled family President’s’ Day activity!

Lest you suspect that I am “all play and no work,” I will share that I participated in more serious pre-Purim activities as well. In fact, the other night I attended a shiur given by Mrs. Moriaa Weiss, who teaches at Stern College of Yeshiva University. (The lecture was part of a year-long Tanach b’shana program. This could be an interesting course to offer to your parents and community – but that’s another megillah.) Mrs. Weiss pointed out a clever marketing strategy used by King Achashverosh. As the monarch of over 127 lands, he sent letters to the leaders of these lands written in their own languages and/or dialects. He could have said, “I’m the new guy in town; let my subjects get translators.” But he didn’t. Instead, he sent his missive out in accessible, comfortable language.
When you communicate clearly and effectively, in a way that makes the recipients of your messages feel comfortable, you create an attitude that is receptive to your message. Just food for thought! Speaking of food… enjoy the hamentaschen (and the sushi)!

Click here to read Sushi, Shushan, and Speaking the Right Script – part II

To learn more about crafting compelling messages that will inform and influence your readers, please send me an email or call me at 516.569.8070.

Happy Purim!
Kol tuv,

Candace Plotsker-Herman