Sushi, Shushan, and Speaking the Right Script – part II

Safely Celebrate

Every year we hear horrific stories that result from teenage drinking on Purim. Speak with your students. Partner with their parents and synagogues. Teens can be merry but also smart and safe!

Purim Treasure

Shalach Manot gift! Purim treasure just for you!

Be one of the first five responders and receive a free phone strategy session, which includes a review of a one or two page document.

To claim your purim treasure call 516.569.8070 or send me an email.

Dynamic PR

Ready to plan your authentic Pesach PR now? Request a consultation!

Click here to read Sushi, Shushan, and Speaking the Right Script – part I

To learn more about crafting compelling messages that will inform and influence your readers, please send me an email or call me at 516.569.8070.

Happy Purim!
Kol tuv,

Candace Plotsker-Herman